Fandome Launch -- Emergency Contacts and Procedures
Phone Email Other

Site is being monitored by Service Uptime, DotUptime, and Dotcom-Monitor
Aiden will be paged if one of these services detects an outage
Emergency (site is down or major function not working)
Call Victor and Aiden directly
Aiden will inform Tony
Victor will call Bulat as needed
If site is down, "Sorry" page will be turned on
Victor / Bulat will diagnose problem and inform Aiden; we'll pull in others as necessary
If problem cannot be resolved in less than one hour, Tony will make decision whether to roll back
Minor issues
Enter problem into existing bug wiki
Newly reported bugs will be prioritized on Tuesday and addressed as time allows
If necessary to pull people into a conference call, we can use my conference line:
1 (218) 486-1600


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